Saturday, January 1, 2011

JavaScript, Native Client, and Emscripten

This is a response to this blog post, which is titled "Mozilla’s Rejection of NativeClient Hurts the Open Web", which appeared prominently on Hacker News.

I disagree with the thesis in that blog post. My reasons are entirely technical.

First off, NaCl is not portable yet. PNaCl is working towards that, but it will take time. Until it is portable, comparing it to JavaScript is comparing apples and oranges. They simply do very different things - one is fast, the other is portable.

Second, while PNaCl is being worked on, at the same time a lot of effort is being put into making JavaScript engines faster. Now, for purposes of comparison to PNaCl, we don't need all JavaScript code to run as fast as native code. For our purposes here, we can care only about 'implicitly statically typed' JavaScript code - the code that can, in theory, be compiled so it runs as fast as native code. Implicitly statically typed code is code that uses a single type for each variable, and even though it's written in a dynamic language, could correspond almost 1-to-1 to code in a fast statically typed language like C.

Such code can be created automatically from C or C++ using something like Emscripten. Or, you can write such code on purpose, for example, PyPy is written in RPython, which is basically implicitly statically typed Python. More generally, you might write the performance-sensitive parts of a JavaScript application in an implicitly statically typed manner, while the rest can have fun with dynamic typing and the benefits that gives.

The important issue is that JavaScript engines can optimize implicitly statically typed code very well, both theoretically and practically. Techniques like tracing, type analysis, etc. are already being used in JavaScript engines like SpiderMonkey and V8, and progress is very fast. Also, PyPy can give us an idea of the long-term potential in such an approach.

So, while NaCl is working towards portability, JavaScript is working on speed. To clarify, again, I'm not talking about running all JavaScript code at native speed. But there is a big, relevant subset which can be run very quickly. Once JavaScript engines achieve the goal of running that code at native speed, then the performance advantage of NaCl will have vanished. At that point both NaCl and JavaScript will be fast (and, if PNaCl is completed, they will both also be portable).

Once we get there, I believe JavaScript will be preferable for the simple fact that it has a natural fallback built in - implicitly statically typed JavaScript is perfectly valid JavaScript, so even if your JS engine doesn't achieve the full speed of native code, at least it can run it. Whereas NaCl will simply not run at all unless the NaCl plugin is installed (and that may never happen on iOS devices, and may never happen by default on any desktop browser but Chrome).

Note that one might devise a fallback for NaCl by writing an emulator, or even a compiler, for PNaCl in JavaScript - perhaps using Emscripten (which does exactly what is needed - convert LLVM into JavaScript). If the speed-intensive parts of the code in that approach are implicitly statically typed, then we have come full circle, and the two approaches of JavaScript+Emscripten or PNaCl+Emscripten essentially converge, with a minor disadvantage to NaCl for being more complex (a special NaCl compiler, and a special NaCl runtime).


  1. Nice article, but the RSS of this article killed my eyes being written in Times New Roman and quite big. :(

  2. You make some good points.
    I personally believe that Javascript recompiling technology will eventually reach a point where using native code will simply make no sense in a browser. Browsers need the inherent security (compared to native code, that is!) of a dynamic language, and let's face it, noone will be running performance-critical code in a browser, will they?
    From an ideological point of view, Google is making some good tech, as you say, but this seems like a step backwards compared to recent HTML5/JS advances. The web does NOT need another plugin. It DOES need refined, mature, built-in solutions.
