Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Followup to Doom on the Web

The Doom on the Web demo has been viewed over 35,000 times so far. Based on the responses, I'd like to clarify some things that I should have mentioned before (sorry for not doing so).

First off, I should have linked to the details page more clearly. It explains a bit about the demo, where it is currently known to work, etc.

Now, to the main issue: This demo is not a good benchmark of anything. The goal here was not to run a version of Doom with good performance, but to run DOOM itself, the original, with as few changes as possible, on the web. I made no effort to optimize the code, which was written and heavily optimized for a completely different architecture (it uses fixed-point arithmetic! :) I wasn't sure if it would be playable at all.

That is, the point of the demo is, "Doom can be run, with hardly any modifications, on the web." Showing that sounded like a cool thing to do, so I spent several evenings and a weekend or two on it.

As for frame rates, Doom caps them at 35 - you won't see it get any better than that, simply because of how the main loop works (and as mentioned before, I didn't try to improve it). It will also max out your CPU, even if it doesn't need to, for the same reasons. It might be possible to optimize this with some modifications to the Doom source code, but I didn't look into that. So, if you are seeing 35fps and 100% CPU, that doesn't mean your machine is actually working hard to generate it.

For example, I get close to 35fps on a slow 1.2GHz laptop. A modern machine would probably be able to get over 100fps with a proper main loop. And again, even this is not a fair measure of how fast Doom could be, if it were actually optimized for JavaScript. So please don't run this demo, be disappointed by the speed, and say "JavaScript is too slow, we need Flash/NaCl/Java/native apps" etc. The demo can't be used to conclude anything like that. Valid benchmarks (which this demo is not) show that JavaScript is quite fast, and getting faster more quickly than any other language - something that shouldn't be surprising, given that it probably has the most developer effort put into it, these days.

I hope the above explains what frame rates in the demo actually mean (that is, almost nothing). Now, aside from that, some people said the demo was very slow for them. I suspect that depends on the browser, as both Firefox and Safari play it very speedily even on older machines (as I mentioned earlier, my old laptop at 1.2GHz runs it well on FF7). On the other hand, Opera runs it slowly, while Chrome is unplayable (I reported the issue to them, and am doing my best to help figure it out). So, performance depends on the browser. That's disappointing, clearly, but that is another point of this demo - to push the limits, and hopefully to motivate JavaScript engine devs to fix whatever bugs are in the way, and be even faster and more awesome.

P.S. I apologize for the quality of sound in the demo. I never used any audio generating API before, and I still don't know what the numbers I am passing from Doom to the Audio Data API actually mean ;) I basically just hacked together something quickly, got it to the point it is in the demo, and stopped there. Someone that knows this stuff could probably make it sound right.


  1. I greatly enjoyed playing the web-based Doom while it was available. You probably already noticed that it has been down for a while – do you plan on setting it up again?

    I maintain a directory of free & open-source web services at http://libreprojects.net and would be happy for Doom to work again. :)

  2. Sadly I was forced to take it down. Hopefully it will be sorted out though.
